About Me


Hello! My name is Megan, and I'm in the very beginning stages of learning how to code and design websites! I am currently enrolled in the MIT xPro Professional Certificate in Coding program for women. My hope and goal is to one day have a career as a software engineer or front-end web developer. Prior to taking this course I worked in the medical field for fifteen years. In 2017 I started a side business making custom cakes and cupcakes for special events. I recently decided to quit my full-time job as a medical assistant to devote my full attention to the things that are most important to me: family, cakes, and learning to code! I'm so excited to be on this journey, and my goal by the end of this course is to be able to design and build a website for my cake business. Wish me luck!

My School

Want to learn more about the MIT xPro Certificate in Coding program?

Visit Their Site


Let's Connect! Send me an email at meganmcgee@live.com, or check out my LinkedIn!

View My LinkedIn


Follow along on my coding journey and check out my other projects!

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